What Happens If the Person I Bailed out Doesn’t Show up in Court?
It is recommended that you think long and hard before posting bail on behalf of someone. If you post bail on behalf of an individual who is incarcerated, you are responsible for ensuring that they stay out of trouble while out on bond and show up to their court hearings. If you have posted a bond on behalf of someone you trusted and they did not show up for court, you may find yourself wondering what is going to happen. Here is what can happen if the person you bailed out does not show up to court.
A Bench Warrant Will Be Issued
If your loved one has missed court, one of the first things that will happen is that a judge will issue a bench warrant. A bench warrant means that there was a court date that was missed and until your loved one deals with that, the warrant will remain active. If your loved one forgot about court or had an emergency, they should immediately contact their public defender or criminal defense attorney. In many cases, the warrant can be held if another court date is set. This means that the warrant will not be active and enforceable as long as your loved one shows up to the new court date that is set.
The Individual Can Be Arrested
If your loved one does not show up for court, they can be arrested. If a police officer comes into contact with them and learns they have a bench warrant, they can immediately be taken into custody. Alternatively, a bail bonds company can revoke your loved one’s bond for failing to show up to court and remand them back into custody immediately. Bail bondsman are often used to find your loved one and take them into custody.
You May Forfeit Collateral or Bond
If you posted bond on behalf of your loved one and they missed court, you may have to forfeit any collateral you posted on their behalf or be responsible for paying their full bond amount if they have run and are not arrested within a time frame set by the court. This can be a huge financial risk for you, so it is important you only post bail on behalf of someone you trust to go to court and not run.
Posting bond on behalf of someone is a huge responsibility. However, if you have a loved one in jail, it may be a responsibility you are willing to take. At Free at Last Bail Bonds, we understand the importance and urgency or reuniting families. If you or a loved one needs our services, we are here for you 24 hours a day at 470-410-3409.