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What Happens If You Are Arrested on Vacation?

Nothing can ruin a vacation quicker than getting arrested, but if it happens to you, it can give you some peace of mind to know what to expect. The arrest process is relatively similar no matter where you get arrested in the United States, but after the fact, it will get a bit more complex. Here’s what you need to know to get through it with minimal stress and hassle.

Getting Arrested

When you get arrested, the police officer will take you to the local police station or jail to be booked. They’ll take your fingerprints and verify your identification. Depending on the offense, you may have to stay overnight before getting released in the morning. You may also have to post bail to secure your release. A local bail bonds company can help you in this area.

Secure a Lawyer

Even if you already have a preferred lawyer back home, it is best to go with a local attorney for a vacation arrest. A lawyer who works in the local area will be more familiar with local laws and regulations, making it easier for them to defend you in court if needed. Depending on the nature of the offense and the preferences of the judge, your attorney may be able to represent you in court appearances so that you don’t have to travel back and forth for every court date.

Follow the Court’s Requirements

After you return home, it can be tempting to just brush your arrest under the rug and try to forget that it ever happened, but this won’t help you in any way. Other states can extradite you and force you to appear in court, so it is best to just do what you are supposed to do to resolve your case. If the judge orders you not to leave the state, you’ll have to make arrangements to stay. If this will be financially or professionally challenging for you, the court may reconsider, so let your attorney know if you need special considerations.

Complete Your Sentence

If you are found guilty in a trial or plead “no contest,” you’ll likely have to pay a fine, serve time in jail or prison, complete community service, or fulfill some other punishment. Be sure to follow all of the requirements and complete the necessary restitution within the time frame set out by the court. The sooner you complete the requirements, the sooner your case will be resolved and you can get back to your life.

Need Help Posting Bail in Atlanta?

At Free at Last Bail Bonds, we understand the importance and urgency of reuniting families. If you or a loved one need our services, we are here for you 24 hours a day at 470-410-3409. We’ll work to secure your release after your vacation arrest so that you can get back home. Call now to get started.

We understand the importance and urgency of reuniting families. Contact us

Arrested, Bail, Bonds, Vacation