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Can You Believe these Commonplace Things Used to Be Illegal?

Laws in Georgia are constantly changing for the better or worse, which makes for an interesting retrospective when discussing commonplace actions that used to be illegal. For instance, as long as you’re 21-years-old you can purchase alcohol from a liquor store or bar, but during Prohibition you couldn’t do so without risking incarceration. Below are some more examples of commonplace actions that would have gotten you fined or thrown in the pokey in years past.

Tying a Giraffe to a Telephone Pole

Though it may seem outlandish and a bit unrealistic, it used to be illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole. This must have made animal rights activists happy, along with citizens concerned about potential hazards. If the giraffe damaged the telephone pole it could potentially disrupt communication services, after all. However, the law has little applicability to modern-day life. So, if you see a circus administrator or a private citizen tie their giraffe to a telephone pole, be sure to remind them it’s almost criminal.

Publicly Changing Mannequin Clothing

Previous generations used to be more bashful and reserved than modern-day folks, evidenced by a forgotten law regarding the undressing of mannequins. It used to be illegal to undress mannequins in a storefront window, where passersby could observe the action. Fortunately, lawmakers and the public have grown up since then and have repealed the law.

“Oh boy” in Jonesboro

While saying something like “Oh boy” may seem harmless, it was actually offensive to the folks living in Jonesboro, Georgia. You could literally get in trouble with the law with one slip of the tongue. It’s unclear if anyone was ever prosecuted for violating this law. It’s also unclear how many people were bailed out of jail for it.


Though it might still be creepy and unsettling to many folks, witchcraft is no longer illegal to practice. Those that enjoy this activity have the right to do so without fear of reprisal from law enforcement or angry villagers with pitchforks. It’s hard to imagine that people believing in or practicing witchcraft used to be burned at the stake centuries ago, but it did happen. Fortunately, the people of Georgia have the sense to let people express themselves in a lawful manner.

It is funny to think about commonplace actions that used to be illegal because moral and ethical norms have changed so much over time. If you’re unsure about the law and need clarification about getting a bail bond, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help you navigate through the constantly changing legal world.

Georgia, Illegal, Law