What Kinds of Crimes Are Eligible for House Arrest?
It only makes sense: if you have the option for it, you might prefer house arrest. But what types of crimes are usually recommended for house arrest? If you’re on house arrest, you get to complete your prison sentence in the comfort of your own home, but it’s usually not recommended for any type of violent or serious crime.
What Crimes Are Eligible for House Arrest?
- Non-violent crimes. If an individual hasn’t committed a violent crime, they won’t be considered a danger to others. Since house arrest and prison are both punitive, if the non-violent crime wasn’t a serious one, it’s possible to argue for house arrest. House arrest may be more likely if the individual has a reason that they need to be out, such as a job that it would be very harmful to lose, as well as a family to support.
- Elderly or young offenders. Juvenile offenders and the elderly are more likely to be eligible for house arrest. Juvenile crimes, especially first-time offenders, are often dealt with by trying to help the individual rather than strictly punish them. The elderly may have medical needs that are easier dealt with in the house.
- First-time offenders. First-time offenders that are not likely to become repeat offenders may be able to request house arrest, especially if their crimes were comparatively minor.
- White-collar crimes. White-collar crimes are considered to be fairly serious crimes, but they aren’t generally a danger to the public. Consequently, it’s more likely that someone who committed a white-collar crime, such as fraud, be allowed to serve their sentence on house arrest.
- DUIs. DUIs are considered to be a crime associated with a motor vehicle, so if an individual is unable to drive and limited to house arrest, it may be considered to be enough punishment. This is especially true if it’s a first DUI. DUIs in which people have been injured or there’s been a lot of property damage may be considered more serious.
How Does House Arrest Work?
House arrest isn’t always 24/7. In fact, many people are allowed to leave for work when they’re on house arrest, which can make it an extremely convenient way to complete a sentence. Like any other sentence, the actual terms of the house arrest will be decided by the judge, including how long the house arrest will be for.
House arrest is beneficial not only for the individual but also for the state. With house arrest, the state (or federal government) doesn’t have to spend money supporting the individual, and it’s often considered to be unnecessary for those who are not dangerous.
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