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How to Peacefully Protest Without Breaking the Law

In the current political landscape, many people on both sides of the political spectrum feel that their voices are not being heard. That has led to an increase in the number of protests, which have received widespread coverage in the media. The urge to get out and speak one’s mind is perfectly understandable. However, the manner in which protesting takes place is important. Peaceful protests are among our most cherished American rights. That said, failing to protest in a way that is in line with the law can lead to arrest. The following tips are offered to assist people who want to have their voices heard through a successful protest.

Set a Clear Goal

Before taking to the streets, a great deal of planning goes into a successful protest. Be clear about the message that you and your group are trying to convey. If there are specific actions that you would like to encourage supporters to take, be clear about those wishes, and provide a means of sharing additional information. Protests that lead to boycotts and local political changes can be very effective when the messaging is clear.

Plan for a Big Impact

Be sure to select the best possible time and place for a successful protest. Always choose a public location with plenty of visibility and ensure that any required permits are in place prior to the event. Select a time when your efforts will receive the greatest possible audience and when the voices and actions of protesters will be front and center. In many cities, there are locations that have been the site of historic protests and those locations make a great background for your message.

Have a Timeline and Schedule

It is not enough to simply bring a large number of like-minded people together in one place. Like any big event, a successful protest requires careful scheduling. Map out the timeline of events, including any speakers, performers or an emcee, if possible. An event that is well-organized will be far easier to manage than a simple accumulation of people with a shared goal.

Gain Some Publicity

Spreading the word about your planned protest is the best way to get the word out and attract both protesters and the attention of the media. Today, social media is a great tool for creating a buzz on protests or other events. Don’t underestimate the value of more traditional methods, such as signs, phone trees and other means of communication.

Make Safety a Priority

Above all else, take steps to ensure the safety of protesters, bystanders and everyone involved in the event. Safety efforts range from remembering to bring sunscreen and protective clothing, to notifying the police of the event and asking for help with crowd control. A successful event is one that spreads the word and also ensures the safety of all in attendance. Consider creating a written safety plan and delegating tasks to others who are helping with the planning process.

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At Free at Last Bail Bonds, if you feel the need to protest, we wish you success in your planning and implementing a successful protest. If you or your family ever need our bail bond services, please feel free to reach out to a member of our team.

Bail, peaceful, permits, Protest, rights